Belangenvereniging Noordermarkt
The Association represents the interests of the entrepreneurs of the Noordermarkt.
Belangenvereniging Noordermarkt on Saturday (BNZ)
Gouden Leeuw 423
1103 KJ Amsterdam
*If you would like to receive a copy of the 400 years of newspaper page, please send us an email.
Chamber of Commerce number 54507839
Rabobank NL53RABO0171673387 - Belangenvereniging Noordermarkt Amsterdam
Would you like information about a registration you can contact the department Marktbureau (Market Office) with telephonenumber: +31 20-6241111 (from abroad) or 14020 (from the Netherlands) or you can find more information about Starting a business in Amsterdam. More information about selling products in a stall, at the market or in the streets Apply for a marketpass and license
MARKTBUREAU (Market Office)
Amstel 1, Counter 30
1011 PN Amsterdam (Centre)
Call 14020 or mail
Open Marketburo
Have you seen anything at the market and you still want to buy it or do you have a question for one of the entrepreneurs, you can reach the entrepreneurs through Noordermarkt Amsterdam-Shopping at this website where you can find their email, mobile phonenumber or website.
New Year's reception 2025 and presentation of 2nd newspaper/wrapping sheet
Akelei, Eliane, Fabian
At a temperature of around 0 degrees, a cup of Glühwein or hot chocolate was a delicious drink to toast to 2025 with each other. After the Corona pandemic, the revival of the Noordermarkt has accelerated. We toasted to the survival of the Noordermarkt and actually also to all other markets in Amsterdam.
We are very grateful to the creative team from left to right Akelei Hertzberger (unique jewellery), Eliane Beyer (graphic designer at Joseph Plateau) and Fabian (photography) on Instagram The eyes of the street for this beautiful edition, which was again very positively received by the public. The 2nd newspaper/wrapping sheet was inevitable, after the success of the 1st newspaper, in which 400 years of Noordermarkt were celebrated. In the 2nd edition, the market entrepreneurs introduce themselves to the public. Both good for the solidarity among each other, but also for the customers and tourists who have the Noordermarkt at heart. Also take a look at NEWS about the social fabric of the city.
We continue to enjoy the Noordermarkt: for more than 400 years [1623-2023]
We only experience it once in a lifetime: 400 YEARS NOORDERMARKT. And that is what the guests and market entrepreneurs experienced on Saturday, September 23, 2023. Despite, but also thanks to, the rain, it was a wonderful party with a special atmosphere. We would like to thank Ans Markus, who shared her experience with the Noordermarkt during the presentation of our first Noordermarkt newspaper page/wrapping sheet detailing the history of 400 years Noordermarkt is brought to your attention. Also thanks to our stall setter Fleysman and Gotje nuts, who made the party possible. Many positive responses have been received. Thanks to all loyal and new visitors to the Noordermarkt.
Chairman Anton pressure group Noordermarkt Akelei Hertzberger presents NM newspaper
We hope that the market will remain open
On Saturday 26 February 2022, the Noordermarkt reopened with 100% market occupancy. Because of Corona not every market entrepreneurs will return to the market. More information mouth caps Further easing of coronavirus measures. About Covid you can call 0800-1351 or +31 20 205 1351 (if you are abroad); or visit the website about: COVID-19.
Plastic is no longer in fashion
Use our unique Noordermarkt bag made of recycled army canvas. Design Anne van Dijk.