Noordermarkt since 1623 | SAT 9 am-4 pm | MON 9 am till max 2 pm | Pentecost market MON 09.06.2025

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To pay a visit

A day at the Noordermarkt on SATURDAY or MONDAY - PLEASE NOTE: on Mondays the entire market square is a 'general goods market', see For sale on the Noordermarkt (not all entrepreneurs are mentioned on the website, but often have an Instagram account). You will find the Westerstreetmarket to the left of the Noorderkerk.

On Saturday there is a different market setup: the organic Farmers' Market starts at Café Winkel and if you continue walking, you will automatically arrive at the 'general goods market' Noordermarkt. Directly around the corner of café 't Papeneiland is the Lindengracht market with fruit, vegetables, flowers, etc. Around the market square and in the nearby Jordaanstreets there is plenty of choice for lunch or a drink in an authentic café or a good restaurant (see Horeca below).

Two markets on Monday; three markets on Saterday at the same time

Noordermarkt; or via Instagram noordermarkt_amsterdam

Westerstraat was the "old cloth market": Westerstraatmarkt; or via Instagram Westerstraatmarkt

Organic market

Lindengrachtmarkt; or via Instagram Lindengrachtmarkt

Points of interest


Café Winkel43 is located on the always lively Noordermarkt in the middle of the Jordaan at the corner of a beautiful authentic Amsterdam building. Don't forget to taste a slice of the famous apple pie; Instagram cafewinkel43amsterdam

Restaurant Pequ The name refers to Mind your P’s and Q’s, an English language expression meaning “be on your best behaviour”. And also our philosophy. You are more than welcome for lunch or diner: Instagram restaurantpequ.

Café Hegeraad is a traditional "brown café" situated in a monumental house. This part of the Jordaan opposite the Noorderkerk and the Noordermarkt is an historical and beautiful place. Step away from the Prinsengracht and you'll find Café Hegeraad; Instagram Hegeraad

#JOEANDTHEJUICE enjoy every day of their delicious juices, coffee and sandwiches, Noordermarkt 5, 1015 NH Amsterdam. Instagram Joe & the Juice.

Libertine Petit Café Noordermarkt and more information Instagram

Café Papeneiland is a typical example of an authentic "brown café". Café 't Papeneiland, suddenly became world-famous when Bill Clinton wandered in for a piece of their famous apple pie. You can find 't Papeneiland on the corner of the Prinsengracht and the Brouwersgracht, where it has been since 1642.; Instagram Café Papeneiland

Café Thijssen has settled after a thorough renovation in April 1990, at the corner of Brouwersgracht/Lindengracht. It is named after Theo Thijssen (1879-1943), teacher, social democrat, trade unionist, Amsterdammer. As a writer, best known as the author of the novels Kees de Jongen and The Happy Class; Instagram cafe_thijssen

Restaurant Domenica at Noordermarkt 7. Italian classics such as pasta carbonara, but also dishes from the rest of Europe.