Noordermarkt meer dan 400 jaar - sinds 1623 | ZAT open 9.00-16.00 u | MA open 9.00 tot max 14.00 u |

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Rien van de Poel

Op de markt: zaterdag

Metamorfose (metamorphosis) is a well-established antiquarian/used book and record store located on the corner of the Valeriusstraat and Hendrik Jacobszstraat in Amsterdam.

The store offers a varied collection of books whose emphasis lies on literature, art and cultural history. Its record collection consists of twentieth century classical music. There is a special section devoted to the spoken word where you will find drama, poetry and the like. 

In addition Metamorfose offers a changing art exhibition of the ceramist Corien Ridderikhoff in the stores. Some products are unique hand build vases, pots, casted bottles and cups, all made of porcelain. Also in display are miniature vases, jewelry and tableware. Part of the collection is decorated by Gerda van Kersbergen.

If you would like to be informed of the developments, activities and new acquisitions at Metamorfose, if you have books or records you would like to sell you can email us, call or visit the store and the market on the Noordermarkt every Saturday in person.

Valeriusstraat 238,
1075 GL Amsterdam
Tel. +31 (0)20 3314885/Mobile +31 (0)6 21978512

Corien Ridderikhoff - Keramiek 
Kloveniersburgwal 111g,
1011 KC Amsterdam
Mobile: +31 (0)6 17871826

Facebook Corien Ridderikhoff and Ceramic Studio  Gerda van Kersbergen: