Noordermarkt since 1623 | SAT 9 am-4 pm | MON 9 am till max 2 pm | Pentecost market MON 09.06.2025

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Tine Withagen

At the market: Monday

The goal is to sell sustainable products among secondhand glass, tableware and traditional textiles such as linen. Linen is made from flax and undergoes several processes to produce a strong linen thread. Linen was also used for the construction of aircrafts. A very thick linen sewing thread is called iron thread because of its strength. Sometimes secondhand jewelry.

Chosen for the historic and atmospheric Noordermarkt. After 26 years I still don't regret my choice. I will be available on Monday from 9.00 am to max 2 pm. Email:

Have a look on Instagram earlybird_noordermarkt